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What is the connection between Matias Corporation and Transpacific Resources (CDNX: YTQ)?

Transpacific is a publicly traded company which owns a portion of Matias.

Transpacific supplied Matias with $300,000 in seed financing, in exchange for a 5.5% equity position in Matias.

The Matias Corporation is currently a private company. Its shares do not trade on the public market.


Where can I get stock quotes, charts, etc?

Ticker Symbols: YTQ on CDNX ; TRIOF on Nasdaq OTCBB

CDNX Most Actives: Globe & Mail

Quotes: CDNX, CANOE Money, CT Securities, Globe & Mail, Quote.com, StockHouse, Stockpoint, Wired, Français, Japanese

Globe & Mail
Year, Quarter, Month, Day


Year, Quarter, Week, Day, Live

Delayed Charts: Carlson Online, CANOE Money, Français, Japanese

SEDAR: Profile, Documents, FAQ


How do I contact Investor Relations?

Please be aware that we cannot disclose any information that is not available on this website.

To receive investor notices, please complete and submit the form below.

If you have a question for the President of Matias Corporation, please post it on one of the supported discussion boards for Transpacific.

He periodically reads the postings there and will reply to your questions for the benefit of all. Please do not email him directly.

Two of the three boards supported also offer an archive of his postings to date.



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